We LOVELOVELOVE seeing SCF out in the community on YOU! It is such a great way to share Sage's story, start the conversation about mental health & suicide prevention, and do some #sagespotting to see other friendly faces!
Did you come to this page looking for a Rainbow Bag? They're over here! Come check them out!
COVID has put a whole new spin on outreach for us, so we are trying something new this year! We know it will likely be hard to see as many people face to face at the events we usually do (one is off for sure, and another is postponed and may be a conflict.) So we're finding a DIFFERENT way to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. If you know someone who needs a little love, is struggling, or maybe YOU do... let us know. We'll come do a porch drop (or mail if we need to), and be a RAINBOW IN THEIR CLOUD. Check out our RAINBOW BAGS to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud! |